Get Involved With The GSA!

Below are just a few of the ways you can help. The GSA only works if you make it Work!

Get Involved with the GSA!

The 研究生 Student Association is a 志愿者-run student organization 在这里 at NMT. Our mission, as stated in the GSA const itution, is to enhance the academic, intellectual, and social environment for the 研究生 at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and to promote the interests of 研究生 within the Institute community, including efforts to improve the quality of life for 研究生. This means advocating for YOU 在这里 on campus. But we need you to do it. 下面是 list of ways that you can be involved in shaping grad life at 365彩票在线过滤.



研究生 can 志愿者 in a number of ways. Be on the lookout for emails from the GSA about 志愿者 opportunities!


Travel Grant Review Committee

GSA Student 研究 Symposium Poster Competition

Thanksgiving Dinner (Fall Semester only)

These events are held every year. We need help making them great for all of us. If you're interested, send an email to


Attend Regular GSA General Meetings

Have an issue you want to bring to the rest of the 研究生? 你有吗? an event, club, or opportunity that you shamelessly need to self-promote? GSA一般 meetings are the place for you! Our meetings are held once a month in the library 特里普的房间. These meetings are a time 研究生 to meet, talk, and announce what is going on around campus. Watch your emails, we'll let you know when the next 一个是.


Become a Department Representative

Department representatives are responsible for summarizing GSA一般 meetings for the respective departments. It's an important service; not every 研究生 can attend every meeting so the department representatives report back to keep everyone 更新.

电邮至 if you want to become a department representative


Run for GSA Officer

NOMINATIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED! 点击 在这里 to nominate a student for the next 2024/2025 academic year. Whiles nominations are currently closed, you can be on the look out for friends who you think will serve GSA in the right way for the upcoming year.

T在这里 are six officer positions of the GSA: President, Vice President, Appropriations, Events, Information, and Grants. As a collective, the officers conduct the general business of the 研究生 Student Association. We elect new officers every spring semester. The officer terms lasts one year, spring to spring semester. The past officers help transition the new officers into their positions during the election.

Being a GSA officer is a serious time commitment. Weekly office hours are required, attendance to GSA events is encouraged, and open communication with the President and Vice President is expected. General duties for each officer consist of:

总统: Ensure that the GSA runs smoothly. Interface directly with the Dean of 研究生, President of the University, and other key administrative members to improve graduate NMT的生活.

副总裁: Organize the department representatives, interface with the student government association (undergraduate equivalent of the GSA), and manage the 志愿者 points for current 研究生.

拨款: Prepare and execute the annual GSA budget. Inform other officers of changes in budgetary priorities and shortfalls.  

事件: Plan, organize, and execute GSA events. Advertise events in conjunction with the information officer. Manage 研究生 志愿者s.

信息: Manage the message, image, and other GSA related items. Ensure the GSA website is up to date with the latest information.

资助: Notify 研究生 of upcoming travel grant deadlines. Organize travel grant reviewers and manage travel grant paperwork for all grants issued.